How Do I Get Through the Holiday Season 2021? Tips for Seniors

How Do I Get Through the Holiday Season 2021? Tips for Seniors

The merriest season is fast approaching and we are getting more and more upbeat with every tinkling sound of the beginning of Mariah Carey’s famous hit.

But what happens with those who will spend the holidays alone, especially if elderly?

The Geriatric Mental Health Foundation says over 70% of older Americans feel lonely during the Christmas season, and 1 in 4 seniors who live alone feel depressed during the holidays.

With these statistics in mind, it wasn’t hard to notice that some of our clients might be among them so we decided to make an alone for the holidays’ survival guide.

Manage Your Expectations

People seem to have big expectations from the holidays with the lights everywhere and all the magic in the air building up weeks before Christmas. Don’t tell our younger caregivers, but they most likely won’t live out a Lifetime-Christmas-movie-like scenario this year.

For seniors, there might be traditions and memories that won’t be present this time, spouse missing, or family members simply not there due to Covid19. If you know these things won’t happen, don’t expect them too, and manage your expectations accordingly. That doesn’t mean you won’t have a good time!

Plan Your Activities

Planning how you’ll spend each day of the holidays will help you stay grounded and have a reason to get up in the morning? Have you been meaning to finish reading that book or tv series or start practicing? Well, now’s your chance. You can also enrichen your routine by trying out new things.

Focus On the Good Stuff You’re Missing Out On

Believe it or not, even the families and couples who are together during the holidays sometimes can’t escape that feeling of missing out. Maybe we, as a society, hype up holidays too much, who knows. But if you are alone for Christmas and the holiday season, you’ll also be missing out on all the hectic stuff about it, too.

Think of all the weird run-ins with acquaintances, family fights, the gifting stress, or cleaning and meal prepping stress. Not to mention how much money you’ll actually save for not participating in all of the fuss! Those are some of the benefits of being alone for Christmas. Focus on those instead of the disadvantages and who knows – you might even love spending the holidays alone.

Treat Yourself – Be Your Own Santa

If you’re short of a Santa this year, there’s no reason for you not to take it upon yourself to treat yourself accordingly. And, with all the money you’ll be saving for being alone for Christmas, you’ll certainly have the means to. So, splash out on the things you like, throw in some self-care, and go easy on yourself.

If You Don’t Want to Be Alone for the Holidays – Call One Our Companions

We gave you our best tips for if you are alone for Christmas, but if they fail or you desire some company – we are here for you. Our lovely caregivers will be your great companions for the holidays just as much as they usually are, if not more.

So, don’t hesitate to call us if you need some company for the Christmas holidays, we’ll send one of our friendly caregivers over.